
When your partner doesn’t understand your woo-woo

7 ways to help loved ones get on board with your belief system

You might know it as a refreshing drink on a hot day, but apart from a vodka-based cocktail, your woo-woo has a much more serious side.

Generally regarded as a set of spiritual or alternative beliefs that lack a scientific basis, someone’s woo-woo often forms the basis for all their life decisions. And trying to talk someone into understanding a less than conventional belief system is never an easy task.

If you’ve already found your woo, you’ll no doubt want to convince those around you of the positive impact on your life. We already know that since you’ve connected to something bigger than self you’re:

  • More peaceful
  • More positive
  • Calmer
  • Have lower levels of stress and anxiety
  • Sleep better
  • Experience general improvements in overall health.

But for some people, even those who have chosen to walk by your side as your life accomplice, merely telling someone they should find their own woo-woo is rarely enough.

If you want to help your loved ones understand your belief system, start with these simple tips.

1) Practice what you preach

Whether you rely on meditation, prayer, mindfulness, ice baths or breathwork to connect your soul with your woo-woo, it’s important to practice what you preach. Don’t tell anyone who will listen how calm and patient you are since you found your belief system but then lose your temper at the checkout assistant in the supermarket for slow service.

When someone is making up their mind about an alternative way to live, what you don’t say is just as important as the words you speak. Actions speak louder than words, never more so when you want someone to believe in something they can’t see.

2) Don’t tell anyone what to do

While we certainly understand your passion for your woo-woo (we live it too!), telling someone repeatedly how they should act is never going to encourage someone. In fact, it’s likely to have the opposite effect and they’ll zone out completely. Be ready to have open conversations and answer any questions but avoid telling someone what to do as you’re more likely to put them off completely.

3) Educate them

While you’ll have a notebook full of testimonies reminding you how your belief system has worked for you, there is likely to be scientific evidence against certain practices too. If your partner has a critical mind, they will be able to provide evidence that proves your woo-woo isn’t real. It’s always helpful to have specific research on hand to educate someone at any opportunity. If you can remember the start of your own journey, share articles, websites, leaders in the field and YouTube videos or podcasts that can point your partner in the direction of anything that particularly inspired you.

4) Let them see the fruits of your woo

We never like to look back, unless it’s to see how far we’ve come. Not only does this hindsight serve as an excellent reminder to rely on your woo-woo to push through the hard times, but use it to show your partner the changes that have occurred in your life as a result of your belief system. Perhaps you’re less reliant on caffeine, alcohol, drugs and other substances.  Maybe you’ve manifested your way to your ideal career from a job with no prospects. Perhaps gratitude has helped you gain wealth in abundance.

However your life has improved, shout these achievements loud and proud.

5) Be inclusive

Don’t assume that someone who doesn’t hold the same belief system won’t be interested in hanging out with a group of you who do. Woo-woo in all forms grows from connection and sharing with others. It’s important your other half always feels welcome in your social circle whether you think it’s something they’ll be interested, or not.

You might get 100 ‘no’s’, but all it takes is one ‘yes’, so keep asking!

6) Help them start small

You might be like Guy and have the same brain wave states of a Buddhist monk of 40 years, but you can’t expect your partner to get there overnight.

Whatever your belief system, remember how you were when you first started and be supportive of even the smallest lifestyle changes. You might want to consider our free 7 Days of Meditation Challenge which is an introduction to meditation in small, bite-sized pieces. Perhaps you’ll sit down with your partner and help them and prepare a gratitude journal or run through some simple, daily breathing exercises.

Avoid introducing someone to your woo-woo at the level you’re at. Remember, it’s those small steps that lead to big change.

7) Be patient

Honestly, if you remember the start of your journey, you’ll know all too well that nobody gets it overnight.

Keep following the above tips in a supportive, non-judgmental environment before they take the first steps.

For more tips on helping your partner understand your woo-woo or to find out more about our retreats, contact us today.

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